Flesh & Blood: Skirmish Season 11 Preregistration 29/03


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Product Overview

This is an entry ticket for one admission to the Flesh & Blood Skirmish Season 11 - Living legend Format Event we are hosting on the 29 March.

Skirmish Season 11 is a perfect opportunity for local communities to come together for casual and exciting games, with awesome prizes up for grabs! Bring a mate who's just started playing, or test the waters with your new deck! Skirmish is the best stepping stone for players who want to play great games in a friendly, low-stakes environment.

Here are the event details:

Start Time: 11am
Entry Fee: $30
Format: Living Legend (4-5 Rounds Swiss, Top 4/8 Cut)


For each player, 2 Booster packs are awarded for participation and 2 Booster packs are added into the top placers prize pool.

Promotional cards awarded as follows:

  • Winner - Ira, Scarlet Revenger (Cold Foil)
  • Top 4 - Channel Lake Frigid (Cold Foil)
  • Participation - Pledge Fealty/Relentless Pursuit (Rainbow Foil Extended Art)*
  • Random Spot Prize - Fang/Cindra or Arakni/Web of Deceit Playmat (One at random)

*Participation promo awarded randomly